The Fourth Compass Point: Be a Storyteller!

This post is part of a series. Earlier posts are linked at the bottom.

Up until now, we’ve shared 3 of the 4 compass points and the mindshifts we make on the way to creating schools where everyone is seen, heard, and valued. We learned about becoming an objector, an inventor, and a curator...and now, it’s time to BE A STORYTELLER.

As humans we’re wired for story….some people would probably say we’re even addicted to story….

“Be a storyteller” is the compass point where you’ll reflect on your journey more deeply… and share a new story...a story that has yet to be told.

Steve Jobs once said….

The most powerful person in the world is a storyteller. 

There's power in a story...and because of your insider perspective, it’s your story.  You are it’s architect, and you have the power to influence others with this new story of yours….to inspire others to see the world in new and different ways.

And there's neuroscience to support the connection between storytelling and influence…

In his TEDx talk, David Phillips tells us of the Angel’s cocktail….a combination of the neurotransmitters dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin…

You see...when we tell stories….when we build suspense, create empathy and make people laugh….those listening can’t help but make an emotional investment...

And when there’s an emotional investment, people will

…see things differently…

…shift their mindsets… and…

... take action.

When we build these compelling narratives about our work others become influenced to take the leap and join the movement.

…the dream of The Human School.

And it’s not just what your stories can do for other people….there’s something in it for you, too.

Your storytelling gives you a vehicle to manifest your own beliefs about learning and schooling… no longer hiding your dream of The Human School.

As a storyteller, the fist core mindshift is all about, deep reflection.

It’s the inward work….the work where we get to replay recent experiences in our minds to discover new insights.

It’s the first mindshift in the storytelling compass point:

Reflect on your journey and what you’ve curated. 

It’s likely been a long one…from a vision to reality…maybe even a little messy

You’ve experienced successes...and you’ve pushed through the inevitable obstacles as you designed something better and took action toward a new possibility.

Take a pause….and dig deep into what you’ve done...making sense of it all. 

Uncover the surprising nuggets and insights. 

Record them or write them down.

You can do this work alone...but, believe me, it’s much more fun and productive to extend your reflection by thinking with and alongside others…a partner, a coach or a team! 

This “learning from what happened”.... You can do this along the journey, not just at the end.

Once you’ve done this inward work...

It’s time to pivot outward ....and...

Tell the new story 

…our second core mindshift

And remember…it’s your story…so tell your human story.

You might be thinking, is it really that important? I don’t tell my story now….

If you choose not to tell the story, somebody else probably will....and that story…it may not be the one you want others to hear.

What is the compelling narrative you want to use to inspire others? That’s the new story….your new story of new possibilities for learning and schooling... 

So we have two entry points into new ways of thinking about being a storyteller...two core mindshifts....

Reflect on your journey and what you’ve curated.

Navigating from Ignoring what happened to Learning from what happened.

Tell the new story.

Navigating from Not sharing our stories to We will share many stories.

What is the story you are telling about your practice?

Previous posts:


How does your school or organization focus on the future?


Why do we record the Problem of Practice?