Navigating from Leadership is a title to Leadership is a choice by anyone to take action

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Navigating from Leadership is a title to Leadership is a choice by anyone to take action
Written by Chad Evans. Read by Randy Ziegenfuss

The second mindshift that supports the Objector Compass point is navigating from Leadership is a title to Leadership is a choice by anyone to take action. You are leading when you choose to embrace the role of leader, taking action on questions, curiosities and goals. Objectors who chose to act, regardless of title or role, see solutions as opportunities within challenges. They use their questions and curiosities to enroll others in making change through action. Acknowledging that leadership is a choice takes courage, humility, and a willingness to take responsibility for improving the conditions for humans within any given space or context. 


  • Starting a new conversation around “learning loss.” 

  • Collaborating with interested colleagues to start a micro-school (a school-within-a-school).

  • To suggest to a colleague that you should listen what your learners think about a new idea.

  • To start a social media account so learners can tell their story.

Non Examples: 

  • Whining and/or complaining without action 

  • Phrases such as, “That’s above my pay grade.” 

  •  “I know the ‘learning loss’ conversation is misguided, but I can’t say anything.

  •  “I’m not willing to take that risk.”

Questions I might  ask myself:

  • What impact does having a "title" have on leadership and expectations of leadership? Are those fair? How might these titles impact the leadership opportunities within a system?

  • How do I define leadership? What does it look like, sound like, or feel like to be a leader? How am I a leader? How do I lead? What do I lead? Do I lead by choice? Do I have a title? How does that title or lack of title impact my leadership?

  • Describe behaviors of a leader that you admire. What do they do or not do that is leading in an admirable way?

  • Describe behaviors of a leader that frustrate you. What do they do or not do that is leading in a frustrating way?

  • In my current space or role, what constraints or roadblocks keep me from choosing to take action as a leader? What constraints or roadblocks might keep others from choosing to take action as leaders? What constraints or roadblocks might keep me from empowering others to take action as leaders?

Far too often we find ourselves in situations where we feel like we cannot or should not lead. We look to those who have titles to make decisions and take responsibility. And there are certainly times where those with titles must claim the accountability associated with those titles. Yet on a daily basis we are called to lead, from wherever we are. We can choose to no longer be victims.. We can choose to take responsibility. We can choose to lead.


Where did the idea for mindshifts come from?


Inquiry Inventory - 03/16/22